22 January, 2013

Who's Bryan Afternoon Tea

今天有点累但还是和宝贝在附近的Who's Bryan喝下午茶。 希望可以让自己好好放松些和家人渡过星期天。
妈妈为宝贝选了一块blueberry cheese cake但宝贝却只把 blueberry cream全吃光了。

 还好,宝贝还喜欢这hot chocolate呢!


15 January, 2013



材料 :
紫藤的紫玫瑰 : 5 枚
大红枣 : 4-5 粒
干龙眼 : 4-5 粒
Wolfberry : 10 -15 粒 (自己喜欢 )
冰糖 或食蜂糖适: 2 粒 (自己喜欢 )

 紫藤的紫玫瑰 quality more better compare the rest of the brand.
今天自己也做了apple salad当早餐,不错吧 ?


15th Jan 2013 宝贝终于正式上学了!

妈妈和爸爸特别喜欢这里因为爸妈认为宝贝可以接触到很多有趣的新事物。教师和教材都不错。虽然学费比其它学校贵些但爸妈还是认为是值得的,一分钱一分货嘛!你看,宝贝有机会学习Kinder Music 呢!是不是很棒?
宝贝还可以做Little Engineer 呢!妈妈知道你会喜欢这堂课。
宝贝从小就喜欢Flashcard但这次宝贝可要学华语呢!今天回家,宝贝就一直从复老师教宝贝的 。。。"爸爸,妈妈 和姐姐 "宝贝在学校可真的有认真学习呢!妈妈可为你感到骄傲。


对了!宝贝,学校老师既然不会读你的华语与英文名。妈妈只好叫校长用你的英文名。今天,校长还几次纠正老师们正切的读音 呢!妈妈也有点不好意思 :)


14 January, 2013

The Music Garden

My little girl Giselle attended Musikgarten class at You & Me Kindergarten since last year somewhere in October 2012. She love the class very much and really enjoying the 30 minutes session with Teacher Grace, who is also the school principle. I think she is a great teacher who has passionate in music as well in children right brain development.If you are looking for a good nursery or kinder garden, please do not hesitate to visit her centre in Penang Island somewhere near Kwong Hwa Primary School. 

Here are the some information I got from the below website.Hope you will understand more how inportant the early music class for your little one.

Why Music and Movement are Vital for Children:
Peanut butter and jelly, socks and shoes, bats and balls, hide and seek, music and children - are all elements of childhood. Children are naturally interested in music, and music is naturally good for children. Why is music so attractive to children and why is music so well suited to children?
bulletMusic is a language, and children are oriented toward learning language.
bulletMusic evokes movement, and children delight in and require movement for their development and growth.
bulletMusic engages the brain while stimulating neural pathways associated with such higher forms of intelligence as abstract thinking, empathy, and mathematics.
bulletMusic's melodic and rhythmic patterns provide exercise for the brain and help develop memory. Who among us learned the ABC's without the ABC song?
bulletMusic is an aural art and young children are aural learners. Since ears are fully mature before birth, infants begin learning from the sounds of their environment before birth.
bulletMusic is perfectly designed for training children's listening skills. Good listening skills and school achievement go hand in hand.
bulletDevelopmentally appropriate music activities involve the whole child-the child's desire for language, the body's urge to move, the brain's attention to patterns, the ear's lead in initiating communication, the voice's response to sounds, as well as the eye-hand coordination associated with playing musical instruments.
bulletMusic is a creative experience which involves expression of feelings. Children often do not have the words to express themselves and need positive ways to release their emotions.
bulletMusic transmits culture and is an avenue by which beloved songs, rhymes, and dances can be passed down from one generation to another.
bulletMusic is a social activity which involves family and community participation. Children love to sing and dance at home, school, and at church.

Should Parents attend and participate in the classes?
Parents are an integral part of class in the younger years. As students get older they participate by themselves, but parents take part in the classes towards the end of each lesson. For all classes, parents are asked to include active music making in their child’s life. Sing along with the CD. Play echo games, making up patterns, as we do in class. Put the picture cards or notation games on your refrigerator and play identification games with them as you get ready for dinner. More structured practice is required when the children get to Music Makers: At the Keyboard.

Why do the students get Home Materials? Are we supposed to practice at home?
Children and parents can have so much fun at home and in the car with Musikgarten songs and dances. In class you learn the songs, but at home is where you really have fun with the songs and dances. It's a great family bonding time. Try it and you won't have to ask this question ever again! 

Does Musikgarten today better prepare students for piano lessons?
Yes. Musikgarten classes develop students aural senses more than other pre-piano methods. The Music Makers: At the Keyboard classes are taught in a group session, so that children learn from each other and grow in their comfort of playing with and in front of one another.

Sources from :-

12 January, 2013


今天妈妈再次带你去喝下午茶。你出生后,妈妈已带过你去几次但或许你还小都不记得了。现在你长大了,希望你会和妈妈一样喜欢洋式的下午茶 :)

妈妈是在美国时爱上了下午茶。爸爸和妈妈曾经几乎每个星期天都会一起去美美的家庭式茶厅喝茶拍拖 . 妈妈也特喜欢西方茶杯,有收集它们的爱好 。。^^

这次宝贝你还真喜欢这间Precinct 10的Winter Warmest。宝贝在等候糕点时还会叫爸爸带你去看美美的Teacup。宝贝你也会要妈妈帮你拍照呢!

 看到这美美的糕点,宝贝也开始紧张起来。。。宝贝一时很想尝试很多不同的糕点 :)
但,看到你那样开心妈妈也开心。你特别喜欢Scone和它的jam & dip cream.



10 January, 2013

Stir Fried Mushroom with Basil

今年第二天开始,自己很努力的减肥!我的每一餐都以蔬菜为主。只有星期天才放纵自己吃些别的。今天,我尝试用我家 种的Basil来做菜。希望你们会喜欢。

* Finely chopped garlic
* Salt
* Black Pepper
* Margarine/ Butter and....
 Black Ear Fungus+ Hypsizygus Marmoreus
Fresh Basil : Finely chopped

1. Heat up the wok and stir the margarine or butter 
2. Stir fry the garlic until a little bit golden in colour
3. Add in black fungus and stir for a while
4.Add in Hypsizygus Marmoreus and stir fry until cooked
5.Add a little bit of salt and black pepper
6. Pour in the chopped basil and turn off the fire.

Ready to serve with white rice :) Hope my hubby will like it :)

09 January, 2013

2013 New Improvement

After the Legoland trip, my little girl has new improvements. 

1st Improvement :Go to toilet to pee whenever she want.She is just do it by herself. I'm not teaching her on that. 
I think she just learned that thru daily observation what's mummy and daddy did in the past.

2nd improvement : No diapers on the afternoon nap and also early in the morning after 3am....^^

Conversation between Giselle and mummy : middle of the night in aircond room on mummy bed....
1st day of Jan :
"Mummy , no pampers!No pampers!"
"No!Honey!Must wear pampers!If not you wee wee and wet wet mummy bed then how? Smell bad!"
"Mummy!New One! New One! "   ( She means changing for her new diapers )
After few hours I realised Giselle was sleeping without her diapers and pants on :(

2nd day of Jan : Mummy on gallbladder retreat and tired
" Mummy cool!Cool!" I was awake by Giselle and again realised she was sleeping without pants & diapers on her :(  

3rd day of Jan : Mummy felt sick and had a deep sleep til early in the morning around 5am.
3rd times Giselle was sleeping without pants and diapers on and this time she did pee on my bed!
Immediate after Giselle woke up ......
" Honey, Good morning, hug hug .Good sleep?" As usual I asked
" Giselle good sleep ." 
" Then good!"
" Honey, why you wet wet mummy bed ?" I pointed at the spot she pee...
" You see ,all wet wet lio."
Giselle gave me a very sweet smile....I think she understand what I'm trying to say.
" Honey, if you don't want pampers then Giselle sleep on the Giselle bed.If not mummy bed smell bad.Ok?"
Again, she gave me another sweet smile....
" Honey, ok bor?"
She knock her head with a smile....

After this conversation, she is sleeping on her on bed which I put on the floor without diapers on in the afternoon nap. At night also will practice the same but she agreed to wear diapers at the beginning and then I will open it whenever she request in the middle of the night.

All these days, she really didn't pee on the bed and only pee after she wake up. 

3rd Improvement : Giselle sleeping alone and no more with mummy .
*Sad thing is she doesn't allow me on her bed as well. I tried to hug her and wish to sleep with her in the morning but end up she was asking me to go back to my bed :(  

08 January, 2013

Trip from North to South : Part 3:Meeting wf buddies

Back Post : 27-31 December 2012
在还没离开新山前,我们到了这家饭店吃brunch.它的Bah Kut Teh 真的很好吃。现在想起真的还有些回味呢!
A Thai Restaurant at Gardens MV, thanks WL for a great dinner ...^^

Giselle & my best friend ever ...Sheryn


Giselle & Wai Lun

来吉隆坡记得来这位于uptown的Village Park Restaurant。它的fried chicken nasi lemak超一流!但这次忙着吃忘了拍照!要拍隔壁座的又不好意思因为店里实在太多人了!

Lepaking with SC,Sheryn at 1Utama, Plan B before depart back to Pg.

Thanks SC & Sheryn for your times and great afternoon tea/dinner :) 


Dear Sheryn,
谢谢你的友情。还记得开始认识你时,彼此都不喜欢对方。我已忘了从何开始我们既然成为了好朋友。曾经很努力的试着去了解你的内心世界但还是失败。又不懂何时开始,我感觉到了你的真心。。。谢谢你对我的爱戴。还记得我当年从手术室出来,是你每天放工后再从老远的Puchong 送来你妈妈煮的鱼和菜。真的超感动的!失恋时也是有你的陪伴生活才好过。你这朋友已深深刻在我心。你可是我的重要人物哦!结婚后,我的世界开始有了转变,生活离不开宝贝女儿。真的很抱歉我的话题也只围绕着女儿经。其实自己曾经害怕会和你之间慢慢的疏远。但,这次遇见你,我的担心也消失了。谢谢你了我的好姐妹!对了,看到你和SC过得很好,彼此有着共同的目标,真的为你们感到开心。哈哈!每次看到你们手牵手,我可羡慕呢!或许,很多人觉得这封给你的信很肉麻但无所谓,只要能够让你知道我对你的友情已足够。还记得我说过,希望有天我女儿大了,咱们俩可以一起去旅行吗?我可期待这一天的到来呢!好了,希望你不要再埋怨我没为你SMS了,这信可用了两天时间,不错了吧!

Trip from North to South :Part 2之 Legoland

Back Post : 27-31 December 2012

从马六甲到新山,我们决定到Premium Outlet看看。这里的Premium Outlet,design & concept和美国的 一模一样。还记得我常趁老公去工作时,自己常驾一小时车到附近的Outlet去购物,冬天时也一样 :) 但,不一样的是名牌衣服价钱有很大的分别。马来西亚的会比较贵因为在美国时,马币二三十块就可以买到一样的品牌衣服。



Food Court还真大而且布置得还不错但食物只是很普通,没什么特别好吃的。


来到新山,我们住入Danga Bay的 Zoon In Hotel。如你想找便宜点的hotel,这间是不错的.可以试试。它的设计很特别,老公第一个摆pose拍照!

我们在去Legoland的路途中,在 Taman Perling这家餐店用早餐。食物还不错!


来到Legoland,已是人山人海。大家都在大热天下排队。妈妈我开始担心刚复元的宝贝会再发烧!但,还好不用排很久就进入。这还要感谢我的好姐妹在去年已帮我购买到超底价的票。我们才不用排两次队!谢谢Sheryn :)



其实这里有很多玩意儿宝贝都不可以玩因为宝贝高度没超过100cm.开始时宝贝真的很失望因为她曾在香港Disneyland玩过的这里她都不可以玩。妈妈看了开始埋怨起来!还好后来有个Duplo Playground,宝贝才开心起来!




下午天气不是很好,下了毛毛雨,我们原本打算离开了但我们出了大门才知道原来游客是可以出了再进的只要在手背盖上印。而我们也发现大门对面就有个mall 而里面有很多餐馆可以用餐。妈妈我开始后悔在还没来之前没作好功课。我们既然在Legoland里用午餐。只吃了一个Kids Pasta,一个Adult Pasta和2 个medium pizza就RM100+.而Pasta不是很好吃但还好Pizza超棒!我想如果用同样价钱应该可以吃得好,也吃得
更饱的了!说到这,但,我还是认为马来西亚的Legoland不因该让游客可以在同一天出入。那样才能保证所有游客能在里面用餐,也保证食物的新鲜度!其实很多国外的theme park都如此,那才能拥有更多的利润来maintain 这park的水准。



宝贝特喜欢看小小的Lego transport行走。她会跟着它们绕圈圈行走





这次Legoland行以为宝贝不是很enjoy但万万没想到的是宝贝走出大门后既然哭了!"去去Legoland" 宝贝一边拉爸爸的手一边重复。妈妈只好告诉宝贝爸爸现在要带我们去海边。这样宝贝才罢休!虽然妈妈我不喜欢这里但我想宝贝她真的很喜欢这里。这时,心中也感到一些安慰。远道而来是值得的了!

以前工作时,公司要我每个月都要下来新山公干至少一星期。所以每次来新山一定会带下属来这Senibong Seafood Village用晚餐。我特别喜爱吃这里的烧鱼也喜欢看这里的夜景。但,这次再次到访,感觉上这里变了很多,不再只做本地人生意而且多了很多游客。泊车也开始收费了!



原本记忆中很好吃的烧鱼如今只是很普通或许自从回Penang后我尝试过更好的吧!但,至少今夜我带了老公来看看也告诉了他我以前来这公干的日子 :)